Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Virtual Coach for Pain Management | Centre for Global eHealth Innovation

Virtual Coach for Pain Management | Centre for Global eHealth Innovation: "The Virtual Coach will guide patients through a series of common questions about the experience and management of pain related to a particular health issue. The initial content of this tool will focus on questions that women with breast cancer have about pain related to cancer eventually expanding to include questions relevant to individuals with other cancer types and pain of other etiologies. The database of questions will reflect questions of interest to patients based on interviews conducted with patients and health professionals. The Virtual Coach will prompt patients to select and prioritize questions that are most relevant to them at that time. It will offer standardized responses to each of the questions in the database and include links to authorized resources with further information. The Virtual Coach will also help patients prepare for routine questions that they will likely receive from their health professional during a typical pain assessment. The Virtual Coach will prompt patients to prepare answers to a series of questions that their health professional will likely ask them about their pain. This list of questions will be developed in consultation with health professionals with expertise in pain management. We envision that use of this online system will enable a better exchange of information during consultations, improve the ability of patients and c"

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