Friday, May 04, 2007

Concierge practises make for happier doctors - and happier patients !

Like many of the nation's family physicians, Dr. Scott Molden felt dissatisfied with medicine.

To generate the revenue needed to run his Town and Country office and pay his salary, Molden typically saw 20 patients a day and often spent as little as 15 minutes with each. He frequently ran late, and sick patients could wait days for an appointment.

"My patients, unfortunately, got very used to waiting for me," said Molden, whose office is on the Missouri Baptist Medical Center campus.

To fix the problem, Molden has decided to partner with MDVIP Inc., a Florida company that offers doctors a "turn-key solution" to transform their traditional practices into smaller, concierge physician offices.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:03 AM

    I was recently abandoned by my physician of 15 years because the group he is with decided to switch over to this form of elitist healthcare. In this case, the greedy third party outsider that brought this all about is MDVIP. If I wanted to continue on with my physician, I would have to sign a contract and pay MDVIP $1,500.00 per year simply to have access to my doctor. My primary insurance company would still be forced to pay for all office visits, lab tests and any in-house procedures. In retrospect, I never needed a third party outsider to get quality care from my physician and I’m not about to line the pockets of some greed driven outsider who has absolutely no interest in my well being. This concept is very unethical and patients are the real losers under this particular business model. Medicare and all insurance companies should refuse reimbursing physicians who adopt this approach to patient care.
