Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Medical Tourism - Best of Both Worlds Plan

Medical Tourism - Best of Both Worlds Plan: "Imagine visiting a world class doctor in your city, someone you would not normally be able to afford through your insurer (unless you are prepared to pay a huge co-pay). Now imagine going to another country with your surgeon to get your surgery done and then returning home to receive continuity of care from the same surgeon. This is why it is called the best of both worlds – your own American doctor takes care of you every step of the way, only your geography changes during surgery.
With the Best of Both Worlds program you will be able to meet your doctor in advance and receive follow up care with them, plus you get to visit a beautiful country.

PlanetHospital is perfect for employers and insurers who want to take advantage of the cost advantages offered by overseas hospitals without compromising the quality and continuity of care. It also allows a company to provide its employees access to some of the top surgeons in their city affordably.

PlanetHospital's Best Of Both Worlds Plan™ will allow top US surgeons to provide pre and post op care to a patient in the US while helping the patient and their employers save a significant amount on their surgeries by agreeing to let the surgeon perform the surgery in a foreign hospital. "

This is a clever idea ! I think we are going to see a lot of bright innovations in this burgeoning area, which will help medical care to become more affordable for US patients. US doctors will soon have to start becoming more competitive and cost-conscious !

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