Sunday, January 07, 2007

Synergies between technology and healthcare experts.

Synergies between technology and healthcare experts.: "Most people who have managed, administered, or used healthcare software have been frustrated by the gratuitous complexity and poor quality that comes with an outrageous price tag. It doesn't have to be this way. We succeed where others fail because we're a new kind of healthcare software company. We consistently use sound engineering principles not only to create software, but to diagnose problems and find solutions.

It is a fact of life that technical people and healthcare people tend to approach things very differently and think differently. Technical people are usually more comfortable with strategic thinking, while healthcare people are usually more comfortable with tactical thinking. This makes productive communication very difficult. The common outcome is that technology is used not to solve problems, but to automate existing ones. We believe the best way to handle this diversity is to have people with a foot in both camps: software developers steeped in real-world healthcare workflow modeling, and physicians and other healthcare professionals who are avid technology enthusiasts. When you get these type of people together, the excitement is almost palpable as ideas interact and build on one another. These people are not easy to find, but it's amazing how few people are needed when interactions are synergistic and mutually reinforcing instead of destructive. "

Clever new ways and clever new people can team up to solve age-old problems !

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