Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Physicians Practice Articles : Patient Relations: No More, ‘Oh, By the Way…’

Physicians Practice Articles : Patient Relations: No More, ‘Oh, By the Way…’: ".. physicians must also learn to alter their perspective during exams, stepping back to let patients be patients. “We as doctors think our patients are not focused because they’re not giving us the information in the order we want it,” she says. “We’re thinking about chief complaints, medical history and treatment regimens, the things we were taught in medical school. But that’s not how the patient thinks. It’s not how you tell a story.”

Ventres agrees. At the end of the day, he notes, it’s all about taking time to meet your patients’ needs. “The biggest mistake physicians make is that they spend a vast majority of their time in the medical world, and they don’t communicate to patients in a way they understand,” he explains. “Regardless of the work we do, if a patient has no idea what we’re talking about, they may leave confused and that makes them less likely to follow the plan of action you’ve laid out.” "

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:43 AM

    I cant agree enough.I have ADD and dyslexic as wellas a communication disability and a impulsivity disorder,all that being said.WHEN I see a DR specially a new one!anxiety is off the charts,historicaly I present as a know it all,hypocondriac,.ONLY thig is,I am none of the above.It is awful for me,I agonize over KEEPing my mouth shut,wait to be asked,my heart races,and I now must bring a wittness.I absoultly feel black listed,and this scares me to death,I have 2 challanges in my thorasic spine,one,has been said to be on the spine,and the same (by a doc at presbyterian hospital neuroligst said whay are you here that is in your lung) NOW my doctor has just closed her pratice with no warning,I am perplexed,and am in the middel of figureing out stuff.I felt that she understood me,and took time with me..This is so bad I truly feel like throwing in the towel.If I didnt have a family,I would .I was suppose to have a CT SCAN OF MY ADRENAL GLAND THERE IS A ADENOMA AND ALSO A HUGE STONE IN SAME KIDNEY,I HAVE HELLISH BACK AND UPPER FLANK PAIN,AND AM ON NARCOTICS FOR 7 YEARS FOR PAIN,I HAVE HAD OPEN ARTROSCOPY TO THE R'TMJ AREA,AND THE IMPLANT INFILTRATED MY EAR,IT WAS AWFUL,I CANT STAND IT..DOCTORS NEED TO LISTEN TO A WOMAN LIKE ME AND NOT PASS SUCH A FAST JUDGEMNT,IT IS DECRIMANATORY,TO DO SO.I SUFFER DAY AFTER DAY,I AM SCARED TO DEATH TO HAVE ANY MORE SURGERYS,I HAD MY GALLBLADDER OUT THIS YEAR'FOR THE FLANK PAIN'(I STILL HAVE IT WORSE NOW" AND IMEDIATLY AFT THE SURGERY I TOLD THE NURSE"MY iv will come out if I moove,she made me moove and guess IV came out and I was flailing all over the guerney,I had no pain meds directly aft a surgery to remove a organ! I screammed where is my advocate,untill my husband was suited up and in the actual first aft surgery recovery took arround 10 doses of alternating morphine and dilatin to stop that helriffic pain....she sheoulf be sighted for that....REALLy listen to me are killing us,menatlly ,physically ans spirtually,how can I trust you doctors,I have read what has been said to each other,thats right I demanded my records to my records and won that through the hospital hipaa officer,she smuggled them out of the cath lab!and mailed them externally from her home...That was another hell i endured the cardioligst told me you wont know a thing i promise..well I had a proble again with the iv,it was awful,I never recieved the meds to keep me in twlight,i said stop the procedure!
    Guess what...HE didnt,I was wide awake screamming stop,and he just continued to cut my groin,and incert a cathiter! OH MY can he get away with that,how can I trust,they way I am treated and the bad lies doctors get away with,the internal stuff that happenes...I am going to work for the rest of my days onthis earth to hold all accountable..for how they LIE,treat and mislead..and I know what the ethics codes say"if a professiona feels in the best intrest,I also know the a hospital in nj needs the caths to get more heart surgerys to get reimbursements and the protacall for give asprin, educate on diet,smokeing sucession exct and that is a father suffered for 5+ months after the screw up with his surgery and the sutures didnt take or the student did wrong,and then he had to get reopened chest the during that a needle was missing from surgery! and they never found it..I am disgusted...
    so the least you could do is listen to a person....and stop the pompus judgements,and nasty holyer than anyone...choose 2 main things,I am a whole person.and how do I know one symptom is not related to the other like finnialy now why am i on 2 bp meds since i am 30??hu huh huh??? could it be my adonima? and my pain a kidney stone not my heart or gallbladder wast of my health that is what occured BECAUSE A DARN DOC DIDNT FEEL LIKE LISTENING TO A WOMAN WHO TRIED HER BEST TO TELL HIM WHAT WAS GOING ON AND MADE HER NERVIOS BECAUSE OF THE ABUSEIVE WAY OF DOCTORS.....WE AS A PATIEN DONT GET PAID TO TELL OUR SYMPTOMS FAST AND IN A PROPER ORDER ,OF IMPORTANCE OR KEYS TO GIVE YOU A PROPER DIAGNOSIS,IF WE COULD DO THAT WE WOULD HAVE NO USE FOR YOU ..UNLESS SURGERY WAS ABSOULY NEEDED...MEDS COULD BE CALLED IN BY A NURSE...I AM A PRODUCT OF BAD DOCTORING....AND NOW MY ONE GOOD ONE SPLIT?
