Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Using photonovels for health education

Using photonovels for health education
" This manual offers a step-by-step outline of a participatory materials production process.Our concentration is on the development of a photonovela, a literary form in which photographs
transmit a dramatic story line. Dialogue bubbles convey the plot in a format similar to that of a comic book. A photonovela is fairly simple to produce and can provide an excellent learning/teaching vehicle for health education issues. Students actively engaged in producing health education material for others are involved in a valuable and rewarding learning activity. Student produced material can hold greater interest and appeal for readers than material produced by experts because local people, sites, and events can be highlighted."

The technology has improved considerably - and using mobile phones ( to take photos) and desktop publishing, it's much easier for students to produce health educational materials ! These basic principles would still apply - they are timeless.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:58 AM

    I'm trying to get in touch with a consultant with experience in the production of photonovels of sorts.

    Actually, I'm working on a project in Ethiopia that is in the process of creating a photo comic series with storylines dealing with HIV prevention and modeling healthy/informed/safe decision making and behaviors through the characters in the comic book.

    Anyone have contact information for someone that could run training, set up photo storylines, and has experience with relevant computer software.

    If so, please contact me at [email protected]. Cheers, Chris
