Thursday, November 02, 2006

Practice of the Year

Physicians Practice of the Year: "That's in part due to their same-day scheduling. Though not revolutionary, it is one small example of the group's forward-thinking patient-first philosophy. Crow says he's baffled by practices that haven't adopted same-day scheduling, a relatively simple innovation to implement. How, he wonders, can a service business like a primary-care medical practice be so insensitive to things that make patients happy, such as convenient access? Patients are the customers, after all; taking care of them is how practices stay in business. What other business would erect barriers to customer access?

'You call a practice up for an appointment and they say, 'OK, we'll see you next Tuesday.' But I'm sick today,' he says. 'I don't understand that. It's like going into Burger King and ordering a cheeseburger and they say, 'OK, come back later, and we'll feed you.' But I'm hungry now.'

FMST believes that everyone wins when patients can see their physician when they want. Patients are happier and healthier, and the practice is more successful."

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