Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Business Blogging for Health Professionals

Business Blogging for Health Professionals: "Welcome to my blogsite for the book Business Blogging for Health Professionals Using TypePad™. My blog (below this entry) is not just a sales Website for the book, it's also intended as a valuable resource for professionals who want insights into how to use the most modern technologies to advance their careers and enhance their reputations. I will be posting continual updates as I learn more myself about business blogging and as things change in the Blogosphere. I'm committed to providing a new post containing useful how-to information on a weekly basis (if not more often!)."

This book should serve as a useful guide and catalyst for many doctors who would like to start blogging !

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Malpani I have been reading your blog for some time now. I located, today, a previous post about a book to help doctors blog, I think it would be very helpful. I started blogging only two months back, I had to do lot of ground work before i could start my own blog.
