Sunday, October 22, 2006 List of All Boards List of All Boards: " Infertile patients provide a lot of support to each other - and lots of it is now online !
These are some of the Forums/ Bulletin Boards which infertile patients use to reach out to each other, so there's no need for them to feel alone !

IVF Cycle Buddies ;
IVF Veterans ;
Pregnant after IVF;
Men discussing IVF
Same Gender IVF ;
Single Women ;
Stressful Situations
PG w. donor eggs/embryos/sperm
IVF by Age Groups
PG with twins or more
Marital Difficulties
Financing IVF
High Risk PG
IVF after pg loss
Bed Rest Buddies
Debating Donor Options
Egg Donors (for donors)
Parenting after IVF
Frozen Embryo Transfers (FET)
IVF in Asia
Parenting after Adoption
Lining Issues"

I found it very interesting to see how differently infertile couples organise their discussions - based on geography and personal issues. This is in sharp contrast to infertility specialists, whose discussions are based primarily on the diagnosis !


  1. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Do you lurk/browse/post on the Ivfconnections boards? Just wondering.

  2. Yes, I do. I learn a lot about what concerns and worries infertile patients have - and hopefully this will help me become a more empathetic doctor !

  3. Anonymous10:24 AM

    This makes it harder for me to understand. How could you contribute to this kind of 'victim-blaming'??
