Sunday, September 10, 2006

Remote Control for Health Care - New York Times

Remote Control for Health Care - New York Times: "Medical device makers see patients like Mrs. Huntoon as harbingers of technology changes that will allow tens of millions of Americans with chronic problems like heart failure, diabetes and mental illness to have their conditions constantly monitored, remotely and virtually, as they go about their daily lives. The payoff for patients could be more effective use of drugs, fewer and shorter hospital stays, and longer stretches between routine visits to physicians’ offices."
This is a clever use of high-technology ! It would be possible to simplify and adapt a lot of this to Indian conditions, to allow nurses and primary care doctors to monitor patients at primary healthcare centers and send this data to doctors in hospitals, so they could reach out to many more patients inexpensively. All this date could be fed into a PHR ( patient health record), so it could be analysed with ease.

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