Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Doctors Give Hope to Patients With Long Histories of Unexplained Symptoms - New York Times

Doctors Give Hope to Patients With Long Histories of Unexplained Symptoms - New York Times: "People with a long history of medically unexplained symptoms — aches, pains, fatigue, dizziness and other complaints for which doctors can find no physical cause — might finally find relief. Two new studies by researchers who specialize in the baffling condition called somatization syndrome, estimated to affect up to 3 percent of adults, suggest that the quest for a physical explanation may take on a destructive life of its own. Instead, those with the syndrome should focus on practical strategies to regain normal function and relieve symptoms, the researchers say."
Now we know why reassurance provided by a trusted doctor can be so powerful.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Dear Doc,

    What in your opinion would be likelihood of suceess of ivf in a 35 year old post genital tuberculosis treatment. TB of uterus confirmed via endometrial biopsy. Other treatment given fundal adheolysis & metroplasty
