Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Employer Healthcare Costs and Global Market Competition

Employer Healthcare Costs and Global Market Competition"The second solution, one that runs counter to employers’ abandoning employee health insurance, is actually increasing their investments, but in proactive health collaboration (PHC), rather than more sickness care expenditures. Instead of waiting and paying for employees (dependents and retirees) who get sick, thousands of employers are investing in making or keeping them healthy. In effect, if other countries are more competitive at least partly because their workers are healthier, we need to have healthier employees ourselves to compete. For even if employers manage to shift sickness care costs to somebody else, they will still suffer the consequences of their employees’ unhealthy lifestyles."
This makes so much more sense, and is a great win-win solution ! However, few corporates are willing to invest in even something so simple as a health education program for their employees. While they are happy to pay lip-service to the slogan - "Our people are our most valuable assets", few put their money where their mouth is !

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