Thursday, July 27, 2006

The BetaBase

The BetaBase: "This site collects beta scores from pregnancies and makes the information available as a public service."
Beta HCG ( beta) is a key pregnancy hormone ; and its levels are serially mesaured to confirm the pregnancy is progressing well.
I am impressed with this site ! This is a great example of how infertile women are using technology to empower themselves with information !


  1. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Thanks! My husband and I created The Betabase a few years ago because we had beta numbers that we couldn't really dicipher. We wanted to be able to compare them to other pregnancies that ultimately progressed far enough to get a heartbeat. We never could have imagined that it would grow to encompase more than 22,000 pregnancies!

    Donna from The Betabase

  2. Anonymous1:33 AM

    I can't access betabase anymore. did something happen?

    [email protected]

  3. Anonymous7:36 AM

    I was wondering the same thing. What happened???? It's such a wonderful site and such a great tool.

  4. Donna - please put betabase back up! If you need cash, just add a link so we can donate. It is such a useful and informative site.


  5. Nitzerette7:20 AM

    I LOVED this site and wonder where it has gone!? I used to recommend it to many ladies that were asking about their hcG results.

  6. Anonymous7:36 AM

    I'm lost without it. When will it be up again?!
