Wednesday, March 15, 2006

HMO Patient Self-Defense Kit

HMO Patient Self-Defense Kit: "HMO Patient Self-Defense Kit
Corporate medicine is, by self-admission, intent on shackling health care expenses by doctors and other medical professionals against the interests of patients. For the patient denied treatment, this is an adversarial system.
Unfortunately, a seriously ill patient in need of a medical treatment is disabled — by definition, least able or unable to advocate for themselves. The greatest mistake patients in need of critical care and their loved ones make is the assumption that the system is there to help them. Doctors and nurses may be there, but they do not control the corporate medical system. Often, it is a friend or family member who must lead the battle for a patient's care and they must remember that a likely response from the system will be delay and denial. How can patients or their allies help themselves in a system that is set up not to help them get treatment? Your tactics must be those of negotiation. "

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