Tuesday, September 27, 2005

But I had full faith in my doctor !

I often see patients who have received poor quality medical care. When I ask them why their doctor did a particular procedure ( which was not necessary), they look non-plussed - and the standard answer is - "Because the doctor told me to !" When I enquire why they didn't check to see if the doctor's advise was correct, their stock reply is - "But I had faith in my doctor !"
Yes, it is important to have faith in your doctor - and to trust him. But you need to be careful in whom you repose your faith ! If you find a good doctor, your faith will be amply repid - but what if you choose a bad doctor ? Unfortunately, patients are often not good at differentiating between good and bad doctors - and blind faith can prove to be expensive ! This is why it's a good idea to do your homework before going to your doctor - and also to verify everything he tells you independently. Doing your "due diligence" will pay off !


  1. Good post . . .

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