Friday, August 08, 2008

Pursuing Perfection - 10 Simple Rules for the 21st-Century Health Care System

Pursuing Perfection - 10 Simple Rules for the 21st-Century Health Care System : " The Committee on the Quality of Health Care in America proposes six aims and ten simple rules for improvement. By focusing on these new rules, the healthcare system could function in a more reliable, safe and effective way.

New Rules and Current Approaches:

1. Care is based on continuous healing relationships. (current approach: Care is based primarily on visits.)

2. Care is customized according to patient needs and values. (current approach: Professional autonomy drives variability.)

3. The patient is the source of control. (current approach: Professionals control care.)

4. Knowledge is shared and information flows freely. (current approach: Information is a record.)

5. Decision making is evidence-based. (current approach: Decision making is based on training and experience.)

6. Safety is a system property. (current approach: 'Do no harm' is an individual responsibility.)

7. Transparency is necessary. (current approach: Secrecy is necessary.)

8. Needs are anticipated. (current approach: The system reacts to needs.)

9. Waste is continuously decreased. (current approach: Cost reduction is sought.)

10. Cooperation among clinicians is a priority. (current approach: Preference is given to professional over the system.)"

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