Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Introducing nine new made-up diseases for drug companies to exploit with mind-altering drugs (satire)

Introducing nine new made-up diseases for drug companies to exploit with mind-altering drugs (satire): "Language Obfuscation Disorder (LOD). Striking mostly doctors, surgeons and oncologists, Language Obfuscation Disorder causes its victims to speak in unintelligible medi-babble while imagining their words make perfect sense. People afflicted with this disease literally speak in Greek, substituting normal-sounding English words (like 'liver' and 'inflamed') with words made of Greek elements ('hepato' and 'itis' or just hepatitis.) Interestingly, two or more victims of LOD seem to be able to understand each other perfectly well, although no one else has any idea what they're saying."

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