Sunday, January 08, 2006

IT for IT

My dream is to develop patient-centered tools on the web so that IT can be used for IT - Information Technology for Information Therapy ! If we can give patients the tools they need to manage their own health-related information ( for example, their own medical records), we can change the way the entire healthcare system works !

Everything is doctor-centric - the doctor is the center of the medical care system
•Healthcare is therefore fragmented and disorganised
•There are too many specialists , most of whom have tunnel vision

If we need to reform the healthcare ecosystem, we need to put patients at the center - I feel “ patients are the largest untapped healthcare resource “ !

My assumption is that patients ( or their relatives and friends) are : Intelligent and capable; and because they have a lot at stake , they are motivated to get good health care, and will be willing to invest time and energy if given the right tools to ensure a good outcome. Our job is to creat the right tools and then give them to the patients, so they can use them to regain control over their healthcare.

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