Monday, December 05, 2005

Recycling Drugs, A New Strategy

Recycling Drugs, A New Strategy: "Recycling Drugs, A New Strategy
by Jerry Flanagan. " It is estimated that $1 billion of unused prescriptions drugs are discarded each year while 1 out of 4 seniors must often choose between buying their prescriptions and paying for food and rent. Oklahoma, Louisiana and Ohio might have hit upon the kind common-sense solution to ease the pain of high-cost prescription drugs that could become a national model: reuse, recycle. Legislation in these states has implemented programs to collect unused drugs and get them to those in need."
An even easier way of saving billions more would be to buy the drugs from India - where they are available at one-tenth of the cost ! I wonder why the US government goes out of its way to protect the US "big pharma" industry at the cost of the well-being of its citizens ?

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